

Admission to West Point Christian Preschool is based on a rolling enrollment system. Families may enroll children at any time. Acceptance is based on space availability. A registration fee is required and can be applied to the wait list if space is not currently available. All necessary forms for each student’s file are required to be completed prior to the first day a child attends school. Please keep the school updated when changes occur to personal information.


Requirements for Enrollment:

  • Completed Enrollment Application
  • Completed Lunch Form
  • Copy of child’s immunization records (Form 121)
  • Speech, Language & Hearing Screening Permission Form
  • Uniform & School Supplies (log onto Frenchtoast.com and enter school code QS5RVXZ)
  • Payment of fees
  • Registration, Activity & Supply Fee ($150). This annual fee is due at the initial time of enrollment and again each year for the upcoming school year. The registration fee is the first step in the registration process and it is not refundable.
  • Cot Fee ($25)

Tuition/Financial Schedule

Tuition for Infant Rooms 
Monthly - $585
Bi-Weekly - $270
Weekly - $135

Tuition for Toddler & Pre-K Rooms 
Monthly - $520
Bi-Weekly - $240
Weekly - $120

Tuition for Members of West Point Church (1-4 yr old Rooms ONLY)
Monthly - $477
Bi-Weekly - $220
Weekly - $110
Members have completed the “Starting Point” class and have been a member for three (3) months before you are eligible for member rate (parent is responsible for communicating with management when it’s time for tuition change). Sibling discount not applicable.

After School Tuition Rate
Monthly - $260
Bi-Weekly - $120
Weekly - $60
Additional $5/day for Full-Day (included break, lunch & two snacks)

Rate to hold your child’s spot during the summer is $400 ($200 due June 1st and July 1st)

Tuition must be made by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) from your checking or savings account or credit card. Payments are drafted the first Monday of the month for monthly payments and every other Monday for bi-weekly payments (Tuition Schedule provided upon request).

After a child has been enrolled for one year, your family will be eligible to receive one vacation week per year tuition free. You are responsible for payment for the remaining 51 weeks of the year regardless of if your child is in attendance. You will communicate with the director in writing two weeks in advance about your tuition free vacation week.

Our preschool accepts Childcare Certificates from the Department of Human Services, is part of the military assistance program (NACCRRA) and the Federal Aviation Administration Child Care Subsidy Program (FAA).

